Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sept. 16, 2008
My son is married (!) and I hope that I am now able to concentrate a bit better! I had an interesting question from my first blog about what happens to the rest of the girls in my classes- do they have equity in access- great question! Usually I switch between male and female groups every three weeks, and I work with different students each time. My Master's project advisor suggested working with the same students for a second session in three weeks, to continue to collect the data from these students- the girls are very excited! I am now working with five boys on writing skills. I chose them based on the writing they have done, and on personality- trying to work with students who can work together- not necessarily friends. After day one, the boys did not want to stop after 45 minutes, couldn't believe how time and flown; today they had the same reaction. We are working on plot development of a mystery, involving elements that they are interested in. I truly believe that it is in the relationships you are able to build in a 1-5 teacher-student ratio that makes the difference- they know you care about THEM!


Andre Martinez said...

Cool stuff! I really want to read how it all turns out. Especially with all boys. It's really cool that you can get them to focus. I can only assume you're a great teacher! Very interesting stuff.

uofe said...

Sounds like a strategy worth implementing all year, rotating through all your students! I can see this working well in my contained 6th grade class.